Are Beds Public Health?

Are Beds Public Health?

Our POV series, "It is Public Health?" examines all the ways public health factors into our daily lives.



Sleep hygiene. What does that even mean? And what does it mean for you? 

Sleep hygiene is the term that wholistically encompasses how much sleep you get, what kind of sleep you get, and all the things you do around those two factors. Sleep hygiene can be whether you like to sleep warm and snuggled or cool and free, it can be whether you use a meditation app to fall asleep or have your phone by your bed, it can even be who or what is in bed with you.

In June of last year (2024), the prestigious medical journal The Lancet published an article titled “Sleep: a neglected public health issue”. Sleep is a critical component of human health and well-being and has been linked to the development or prevention of many different chronic conditions such as metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and others. So figuring out your best sleep in your bed is important not just for the day ahead but for the rest of your life.

We can comfortably say that beds are public health.